- All we need from you is to first provide us with minimal information for the free simulation, i.e. purchase price, deposit, DOB, loan term, loan amount
- If happy with the simulation we will send you a list of documents required the bank such as, passport, fiscal number in Portugal (obtained by your Portuguese lawyer or request a link from
us), declaration from your employer, tax returns including (P60) credit report from your country; and other documents required which will be sent to you with the simulation. Once we have
all the documents, we will look at affordability before we submit to the bank
- We will chase your estate agent/lawyer for all relevant property documents required when submitting your application
- After the Mortgage is approved (approx. 1-2 weeks) we will help open the bank account so the bank can request the valuation of the property
- If happy with the valuation the bank will send you the approval letters to sign so you are ready for completion (you can complete after 10 days once all property documents are in order)
- We will be there with you until you complete on the property.